Hotel Rwanda Reaction

Hotel Rwanda Reaction

Gloria Ovwigho
Hotel Rwanda Reaction
English 2, Block 8

After watching the movie Hotel Rwanda, I have gained a lot of insight on the meaning and context of disposability and have realized just how horrific the Rwandan genocide was. All throughout the movie, the concept of the disposability of people was shown, like the constant comparison of the Tutsis to cockroaches. They are seen as worthless and the Hutus want to “exterminate the vermin.” The soldiers are aggressive with no regard for their lives. Although not as violent, this is how some people are seen in the U.S. today, like the elderly, poor, and disabled. Often, immigrants or refugees aren’t wanted in the U.S. except if they have abilities that will benefit the nation. Their human lives don’t matter, but what they can do for us does.
Something that stood out to me the most was when Paul believed the massacre footage on the news would expose the genocide and get Rwanda the help it needs, only for the news man to explain to Paul how people will say, “Oh, that’s terrible,” then go on eating their dinners. I realized how true this is, and that I find myself doing this, too. It came to me just how opinionated and self-concerning a lot of people are today. The other countries just sat back and watched. Pity doesn’t help. I have a great respect for Paul, and all his efforts to help those in trouble, even at the cost of his own life. He is incredibly unselfish and it is inspiring that his priority is to save others, even though he and his family are also in danger. I think this movie is very powerful and no one should be seen as disposable.

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